Wednesday, July 22, 2009

5 Important Lessons

Here are 5 important lessons that Cam has taught me (or tried to teach me):

1. How to Lay Hardwood Flooring: His living room looks awesome, and I had a blast holding the giant stapler as he would whack it with the mallet!

2. How to Drive a Stick Shift: This is crazy! All I did was hold on to the stick while he put his hand on top of mine to shift, and I was still confused! I don't think I have the brain power to work the clutch and the stick at the same time!

3. How to Fish: This was so fun! We and the kids went up to Payson Lakes for a day of fishing in the canoe last Wednesday. I am not one to brag, but I caught more fish than Cam!!!!

4. How to Swim: I have always been afraid of swimming, so I think this may be a lost cause. Cam gave me a lesson last Thursday when we took the kids to the Lindon Aquatic Center (which is very cool). As long as he was holding me up, I was fine! As soon as he would let go, I would sink! Oh well! I had fun playing with the kids anyway!

5. How to Skip Rocks: I do not have this skill! We went up to Bridal Veil Falls and the surrounding areas yesterday, and Cam tried to teach me how skip rocks, but all of mine just went plop!


  1. Sounds like you have been busy! We need to get together soon. It feels like it's been too long already.

  2. Holy Moly, lady! I can't believe all this stuff that is going on with you-know-who...and i have no idea about any of it! I'm so sorry we've been so MIA this summer- we went to Park City for a little getaway, and now have been house-sitting for my parents up in kaysville for the last two weeks while they're in Hawaii (lucky ducks)....and then, we're headed to St. George next weekend...summers are so crazy. BUT! I was hoping that we could get together next week like on Wednesday or Thursday so we can catch up before we take off (we leave on the 19th of August!!!!). Let me know if that works for you...I can't wait to hear all about your awesome summer!

  3. Let's do Thursday. I'll be coming home from Idaho Wednesday. Can't wait for the details. RaeAnn
