Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Run, Rabbit, Run!!!

Last Saturday, Cameron took me rabbit hunting. Yep, you read that right! Rabbit hunting! He said he needs to desensitize me because I freaked out over an incident involving two turkeys, a big black cat, a trap, a gun, and his garbage can. You'll have to ask him about it if you want the details! So anyway, he, Jacob, and I went out rabbit hunting in the hills on the West side of Utah Lake. Don't tell Cam, but I was praying the whole time that we wouldn't see any rabbits! Luckily, I have faith, so we didn't see any! Since we didn't shoot at any innocent bunnies, I had a blast! Cam taught me how to shoot his .22 and I even hit some bottles (after a few tries)! Jacob (who is only 9!) was a much better shot than me. He hit the bottles with no problem. He also shot some huge black spiders with his BB gun. I had no problem with him shooting those! So, we spent a couple of hours tromping around the hills, carrying our guns, eating beef jerky and Swedish fish (which are not meant to be stuck to windshields - another story you'll have to ask Cam about!), and having a great time. So, everyone say it with me, "Run, Rabbit, Run!"

Speaking of running, I ran 5 straight miles on Monday! It felt so great, but I was wasted later! Cam and I usually run 2.5 miles and then walk 1.25 miles in the mornings before we go to work, but on Saturday he ran over 6 miles (I was sleeping in before we went rabbit hunting because I had a late night). Well, you know how competitive I am, so it is my new goal to be able to run as far as him! (Remember when it was my goal just to make it one lap with him? That seems forever ago!) He said we should try and run a half-marathon sometime. I am not one to back away from a challenge, so half-marathon here I come! Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!

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