Lesson #2: July 30
Cam, the kids, and I went to Spanish Oaks Reservoir for Jacob's birthday and Cam gave me my second swimming lesson. I am hopeless! I do not trust the water nor myself so I cannot bring myself to lift my feet up and float! As long as Cam was holding me up, I was fine! We practiced holding our breath and going under water, and I am getting better at that - especially since Cam was holding me and I had no choice but to stay under as long as him! So, even though I still cannot swim, it was a ton of fun. We then played on the beach for awhile and the kids decided to build a sandcastle. Somehow, the sandcastle turned into, "Let's bury Ashley!" So Cam and the kids buried me up to my waist in sand and then Jacob and Jocelyn took turns dumping buckets of water on me to clean me off! It was pretty funny!
Lesson #3: August 3
Well, Cameron will not give up on me! He, the kids, and I went out to Spanish Oaks Reservoir again and I received my next lesson. This one didn't last very long though because the water was freezing! Cam did make me go out to the deeper water where I couldn't touch the bottom so I would have to trust myself. I didn't though! It was terrifying! I was holding onto one of those cool noodle things and onto Cam, so I knew I wasn't going to sink, but it was still scary! I did it though! I guess I won't give up quite yet! We then went and laid on the beach in the nice, warm sunshine while the kids played. It was a very fun day.
5 years ago
Keep at it! Sounds fun.