Sunday, January 3, 2010

Something Better!

So. . . here goes! The beginning of 2010. My year. Let's start it off with a bang!

I went on a date on Saturday. A miracle! I know!

And I had a really good time!

But remember. . . this is my life! So it has to be a little crazy and a little complicated. Otherwise. . . it wouldn't be my life!

This guy was amazing! We were set up on a blind date by a mutual friend (actually, one of my old student's mother). He texted me on New Year's Eve and we ended up texting for about 6 hours. Seriously! We decided to go out on Saturday. He called me Friday to confirm, and we had a really nice conversation. Then. . . we met on Saturday and I had a really good time! We ate at the Pizza Factory and got to know each other and it was great!

There is just one small thing. . . That makes it a little complicated. . . And maybe a little crazy. But. . . I don't know! Did I mention I had a really good time? So maybe this one small thing shouldn't be an issue.

It was just one date, so who knows what will happen.

All I know is that the Lord works in mysterious ways. And I am going to trust in Him and his plan for me. I still don't know what that is, but I do know I am going to listen to whatever He tells me to do.

In Relief Society today we had an amazing lesson on Life Lessons from 2009. Listen to this:

"Do not fail to take a leap of faith because you have already jumped to another conclusion." Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Don't you love that! Just because I had one thing in mind for my life doesn't mean that I was right! The Lord knows best and I just need to have faith!

Here's another one: When your plans don't work out, make new ones! We talked about this story Sheri Dew told that demonstrates how when things don't work out, pray and ask for something better because the Lord knows best! According to Sheri Dew, Joseph Smith once said this prayer, "Lord, we thank Thee for this Johnny cake, and ask thee to send us something better. Amen." Then someone showed up with some flour and a ham!

I guess it never occurred to me to pray for something better! So. . . (as most of you know) something didn't quite work out for me. And that is ok! Because the Lord knows best. And now I am praying for something better!

And who knows?

Maybe Mr. Saturday was my something better!

Or maybe my something better is just around the next corner!

I don't know!

And that is ok! Because I trust in the Lord and know my something better is out there waiting for me. And I won't stop until I find him!


  1. I love those quotes! I learn so much from you. Thanks for your amazing friendship! Love ya!

  2. Can't wait to hear more about someONE better. Love you.

  3. Ash! It's been too long, as always. I've been thinking about you- as you've gone back to school this new year and things have been so crazy for you- I hope you know how amazing and special you really are! SomeONE is going to be DANG lucky! Anyway- hope all is well! Sending you a big hug,
    p.s. When you go to Disneyland next time, let me know- my parents are now settled down into a house in Orange County, not too far from Disneyland. It'd be so fun to coordinate trips! I would love to go with YOU, the Disney Expert! Keep me posted.
