Monday, May 25, 2009

Riding the Elephant, My New Place, Running in the Wee Hours of the Morning, and Hiking in the Rain

I have not posted forever because I moved and I don't have the Internet at my new place! I miss it and will probably give in and get it soon. So, here are some updates. . .

I can ride the elephant! I have lost over 20 pounds and I feel great! Thank you to all of the family and friends that have supported me in my conquest and thank you to all of the people who have noticed and made me feel good about myself. I could not have done it without you. My new goal. . .well, you'll have to keep reading to find that one out!

My new place is wonderful! I feel like a grown up! Well, kind of! I love the peace and quiet. I love being able to come and go as I please. I have had a blast buying stuff for and decorating my cute apartment. I am still getting used to the singles ward, but I am enjoying it. Anyone who needs some peace and quiet is always welcome at my cute little hide away!

Since I moved, I have started getting up at 5:30 in the morning to go running. My friend Cameron goes running most days at this time, and he is my new goal to beat! I will make it once around the track (1 and 1/4 miles) with him before I have to stop and breath! I have been going three laps every morning, but most of it is walking. It feels spectacular!

I am so excited for the summer and the chance to be outside. Cameron and I went hiking yesterday up a mountain by Pleasant Grove. It was so fun! Once again though, I had to push myself to keep up with him. I swear he is Superman! I made it though! We saw a beautiful waterfall, three deer, beautiful views of the valley, and amazing views of Timp. We also got caught in the rain and dark as we came down the mountain! We were soaked by the time we got back to his truck, but it was totally worth it! I love the mountains!

Well, hopefully it will not take me as long to post again. And hopefully I can figure out how to download pictures from my new camera (or just find the time to do it!) so I can post photos too! Oh, by the way! Four more days of school! Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your new place!
    Congrats on your goals - you look great!
    I am so impressed with the running. You're amazing!
