Sunday, December 19, 2010

Get Up and Keep Going

I have to share a story with you about my hero, Ellie.

Ellie is a little girl in my Kindergarten class who has cerebral palsy. She is quite possibly the happiest little girl you will ever meet. I have been amazed as I have watched the other kids in my class take care of her. Whether it's picking up a paper for her, helping her put on her coat, or moving her walker around the playground, all of my kids have amazed me with their simple and pure acts of charity.

Last week, Ellie got a new pair of canes. They are pink which she is really excited about. While Ellie loves her canes, she cannot move as fast with them as she could with her walker. But do you think that stops her? No way! The other problem is the slick tile floor in the school. As Ellie was slowly walking down the hall the other day, her canes kept slipping out from under her. I bet she fell at least 5 times getting from the computer lab back to our classroom. Every time she would fall, I would hear a small, "Whoa!" I would then see her on the floor laughing with a huge smile on her face. Then she would patiently get back up and keep going. Every time she fell, not a word of discouragement escaped her mouth. Each time, she would just get up and keep on going.

This little girl taught me the exact lesson that I needed this week. Don't let things get you down! Just get up and keep on going! The knowledge of my Savior and His love and Atonement for me is what gives me the strength to get up and keep on going. As Elder Wirthlin said, "Come what may and love it!"

Thank you, Ellie!!!!


  1. I've noticed and been impressed by Ellie as well. What a great example she is to all of us as you are sweet Ashley. Keep smiling. Heavenly Father loves you and so do I. All your dreams will come true. I don't know when, I just know they will.

  2. I love that girl! Thanks for posting such a sweet reminder! You are the best. Enjoy the holidays and 2011 is a new year!

  3. She IS so cute! I have seen her several times in the hallway and I just can't help but talk to her! I SO wish I could be her teacher next year!!!! If I am there...I want to be her teacher! Yeah, get up and keep going! Much easier said than done!
