Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Pioneer Day!!!!! (and Happy Belated Birthday Party for Jem!)

We celebrated the 24th by having Jem's belated birthday party. We went up the canyon above Payson for a yummy dinner of sloppy joes, fruit, salad, chips, juice, and Rice Krispie "cake." We played ring toss, shoot the aliens, balloon pop, and horseshoes. I, of course, won. :) (In case you didn't know, I am way too competitive and should not be allowed to play games! But I have to. . . because I have to win!!!!) We went on a mini hike then went to Spanish Fork to watch the fireworks. They were spectacular!

I love pioneer day and so thankful for my ancestors and heritage on both sides of my family. The 24th of July is always a little sad because Grandpa Shepherd had his heart attack on this day and Grandma Myntti had her stroke on this day, and we lost them both (different years). However, it is also a very happy day because we have the Gospel and know we can be together again - FOREVER!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Jellyfish and Penguins

Last Thursday, mom, Nathan, Becky, McKenna, Tanner, and I went to the Living Planet Aquarium. It was lots of fun to see the sea creatures and watch how excited the kids were. My favorites were the jellyfish and penguins.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Wonderful Weekend

My brother Nathan spent a few days at my house and we had a lot of fun playing and exploring. We went hiking up to Battle Creek waterfall, and it felt SO GOOD! I LOVE to hike, and this is the first hike I have been on since I hurt myself. It was beautiful and I was in heaven! We packed a picnic and ate it up the canyon. Have you ever noticed that food tastes better in the mountains? :) We then went swimming at my pool which is always fun and watched "Alice in Wonderland." Thanks for a fun weekend, Nathan!

When I took Nathan home, McKenna and Tanner were at mom's house for the weekend. So we went to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch and then to the Bean Museum. It was a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Family, Food, and Fun

Welcome to the 2010 Shepherd Family Reunion! We had a great time playing, eating, and socializing in Grandma Shepherd's backyard down in Mt. Pleasant. There was a pretty good turn out, and it was fun to see people I only get to see once a year. I should have taken more pics, but enjoy the pics of the Myntti clan, Grandma Shepherd, and the Shepherd brothers. I love and miss you Grandpa Shepherd!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!!!!!

My amazing Fourth of July =

barbecues with friends and family
sitting in a field for hours while letting Eli chase me to entertain him
awesome fireworks
a sleepover at mom and dad's
many balloons in the beautiful morning sky
watching the parade including the bands, balloons, flags, and Nathan on a pirate ship
feeling a sense of pride for our country, freedoms, military, etc.
feeling sunburned and tired
watching Eclipse
hot dogs
french fries
loving being with family

Happy Fourth of July!!!!!! Let Freedom Ring!!!!!