Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Looking Back and then Moving Forward

I spent some time this past weekend looking back and reading my journals from the past 2 years. It has been quite the roller coaster with high highs and low lows. I think I had blocked out a lot of the low lows because as I read, I couldn't believe I had made it through to today! The only way I have made it through is because of the amazing people in my life who don't let me quit...no matter what happens! Funny thing is, some of the low lows were caused by some of the high highs. So I wouldn't change the past 2 years...I'm just going to look back at what I've learned and then move forward with faith. I've learned a lot about myself, what I'm capable of, what I want in a relationship, what I don't want in a relationship, and how to open my mouth and say what's on my mind. I've learned that I can bounce back from anything...whether it's a heart ache or a back break! All I have to do is put my mind to it, work hard, not give up, and lean on the people I love. And in the midst of the troubles, great blessings will come. Like townhouses that seem to fall into your lap or new relationships that you weren't expecting. And while the blessings themselves present new challenges (like mortgage payments or wondering what in the world is going through his mind!!), I'm not afraid. Because I have the Lord and all of you on my side. Now I must admit...these last few months have been........interesting. I've made some mistakes and had to learn and grow. But I made it through with all of you carrying me. And so now I'm looking forward and moving towards my future. I still have no idea what that future holds. And I know it's not going to be easy. But I'm excited for it! I got a glimpse of a possible future this past weekend...and I really loved it and hope it works out. But who knows? All I do know is that I trust my Heavenly Father and Savior's plan for me and look forward to finding out exactly what that is. So bring it on!