Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Sure Hope I Can Do This!

I just wrote my first paper for graduate school and it was seriously painful to get back in the "student" mode! I had forgotten how much I hate to write papers! And this one was way easy! It only had to be between 350 and 700 words. I can write that many words in a blog-post with no problem. But when I am forced to write, my mind always goes completely blank! What am I going to do when I have to write my 30 page research paper?!?!? I sure hope I can do this!


  1. I have no doubts you can do anything you put your mind to. You're amazing. RaeAnn

  2. Wow ... you have your first small paper done already? I had my first class last night, but my first paper isn't due until Sept. 10.
